ATEQ CZ will take part in the EFA Prague to be held June 11th – 13th 2015,
‘EFA Prague’ the New Name for EHS and AviationExpo Europe EFA Prague, ‘Europe’s Festival of Aviation in Prague’ is Europe’s General Aviation and Helicopter Expo in Eastern Europe.The event will take place at Prague- Kbely Airport from 11th – 13th of June 2015.
EFA Prague replaces the former Show names of AviationExpo Europe and European Helicopter Show (EHS), to allow for a unified name which represents both shows as ‘EFA Prague’.
This offers a unique opportunity for both the fixed wing and rotary manufacturers, their representatives, together with associated product and service providers, to access the Central and Eastern European Market at one time at Prague- Kbely Airport.
Supported by the Czech Ministry of Defence and Interior,the objective behind EFA Prague is to provide the most effective showcase to enable exhibitors to feature the very best offerings to visitors in all key sectors of the industry. These include Private, Commercial, Aeromedical and Rescue, Homeland Security and Military to the widest possible audience. Bringing both events under one name will help to promote sustainability and structure for the EFA Prague itself and also to the exhibitors and visitors.
More infos at :