How does an Angle of Attack Measurement Work?
The Angle of Attack is the angle between the wing’s chord line and the relative wind. This angle between the wing and the airflow generates turbulence on the top wing, creating a stall. So its measurement delivers critical information about the actual margin above the aerodynamic stall. Two types of measurements exist, a mechanical measurement (angle measurement) or a pneumatic measurement (Smart probe on intelligent Pitot).
The pressure measurement is carried out on different holes, giving the different angles of attack to anticipate a possible stall of the device. The two tiny machined holes create differential pressure sources. One hole is bore-sighted at the front of the AOA tube along the longitudinal axis, while the second, located at the bottom of the AOA probe, is pointed downward at a 45-degree angle to act as a reference source.
The Ateq ® Pitot-Tester measures the pressure exerted on the different Pitot, including the Smart probe used to determine this angle of attack. Measuring the pressure is simpler than calculating the angle by mechanical measures as, unfortunately, there is an algorithm for each type of Smart probe.
👉 The ADSE 744, Ateq ®’s Smart Pitot-Static tester, is THE optimal test to check that your smart probes are still functional….👈
→ We can offer complete solutions, including the Cobra System® Adapter Kit
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