Variometer: Let’s be reminded how it works.
“The Variometer is” an aeronautical instrument for indicating a rate of climb. Regulated by the physics principle that air pressure decreases with altitude. A simple variometer will pass air through tubing from a reference chamber to an external static source to observe air expansion inside the reference chamber.
The variometer will measure the airflow out of the chamber. This instrument measures the static pressure (Ps) variation during a time unit (min): this is the vertical speed. The Vertical speed indicator gauge is graduated (+ or -) m/min, hm/min or ft/min. The (+) sign indicates the rate of climb when the aircraft goes higher. The (-) sign indicates the rate of descent when the aircraft goes lower.
The airspeed indicator’s technology is based on a calibrated air leak, which results in a little delay on the vertical speed indicator. Pressure information is taken from the Pitot tube.
👉 Thanks to Ateq’s® Pitot-Static Testers, aircraft Airspeed & Vertical speed indicators are always easily and properly calibrated… 👈
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